Please think twice!

Ok, here I go again. Please, please think and listen to what the CANDIDATES are saying or not saying when you go to the polls to vote. DO NOT be swayed by which candidate is endorsed by your favorite movie, television or rock star. The opinions of others is not a litmus test for what you believe. The other day I overheard a few student endorsing a candidate. When I asked why they choose that candidate, the answer was “My friend’s father said so.” No one else can justify your decision for you, you must make an EDUCATED decision on candidates and issues.

No candidate for president, governor, or mayor can accomplish their stated goals without the co-operation of the majority of their respective legislative bodies. You can promise the world, but if there is no co-operation and/or compromise, there will be no viable solutions or directions.

To those running for elected office, PLEASE be clear and concise. Tell me exactly what your plans are, what is included and how is that going to impact me. Don’t tell me you want to do this, that, or the other thing without giving me specifics. I need to know WHAT you intend to do, HOW you are going to cut the taxes and shift the burdens equitably. Don just tell me a fairy tale of “I want to do this.” Give specific answers to questions, don’t run around the issue in circles until everyone is confused and you haven’t bothered to say anything.

If your intent is to lower the percentages charged on my income but eliminate/reduce  deductions, explain how I could possible be saving anything. I have tried the math and still don’t see it. Here’s a very simplistic representation of the latest tax suggestion being put forth seems to be saying:  If I have taxable income of $100, have deductions of $40, my tax rate is 10%, I am paying $6 in taxes. If the same taxable $100 has deductions reduced to $20, my rate drops to 8%, my tax liability is now $6.40. So exactly where am I saving anything on my taxes? (If only figuring out your taxes could be this simple.)

Please don’t insult me again and think I believe that those with the power and money are going to eliminate the loop-holes that have given them so much.  Don’t think I believe that Ted Turner is a farmer and deserves the farm subsidies he gets for NOT planting crops.  And, explain why you are manipulating supply and demand by reducing output?  More yield would give us more to export at more favorable rates and reduce costs to consumers at home.  No one every paid me NOT to work.

Thanks and have a great day!

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1 Response to Please think twice!

  1. ree says:

    Only in America.

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